What’s on TV: A Large-Scale Quantitative Characterisation of Modern Broadcast Video Content

Video databases, used for benchmarking and evaluating the performance of new video technologies, should represent the full breadth of consumer video content. The parameterisation of video databases using low-level features has proven to be an effective way of quantifying the diversity within a database. However, without a comprehensive understanding of the importance and relative frequency and of these features in the content people actually consume, the utility of such information is limited. In collaboration with the BBC, the  “What’s on TV” is a large-scale analysis of the low-level features that exist in contemporary broadcast video. The project aims to establish an efficient set of features that can be used to characterise the spatial and temporal variation in modern consumer content. The meaning and relative significance of this feature set, together with the shape of their frequency distributions, represent highly valuable information for researchers wanting to model the diversity of modern consumer content in representative video databases.


Felix Mercer Moss, Fan Zhang, Roland Baddeley and David Bull, What’s on TV: A large-scale quantitative characterisation of modern broadcast video content, ICIP 2016.


Optimal presentation duration for video quality assessment

Video content distributors, codec developers and researchers in related fields often rely on subjective assessments to ensure that their video processing procedures result in satisfactory quality. The current 10-second recommendation for the length of test sequences in subjective video quality assessment studies, however, has recently been questioned. Not only do sequences of this length depart from modern cinematic shooting styles, the use of shorter sequences would enable substantial efficiency improvements to the data collection process. This project, therefore, aims to explore the impact upon viewer rating behaviour of using different length video sequences and the consequent savings that could be made in time, labour and money .



Felix Mercer Moss, Ke Wang, Fan Zhang, Roland Baddeley and David R. Bull, On the optimal presentation duration for subjective video quality assessment, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Volume PP, Issue 99, July 2015.

Felix Mercer Moss, Chun-Ting Yeh, Fan Zhang, Roland Baddeley and David R. Bull, Support for reduced presentation durations in subjective video quality assessment, Signal Processing: Image Communication, Volume 48, October 2016, Pages 38-49.